
Good Water Type Pokemon Sun

The Pok�monday beneath are the Pok�monday of the Water-blazon.

No. Pic Proper noun Type Abilities Base Stats HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd #007

Squirtle Torrent
Rain Dish 44 48 65 fifty 64 43 #008

Wartortle Torrent
Pelting Dish 59 63 eighty 65 80 58 #009

Blastoise Torrent
Rain Dish 79 83 100 85 105 78 #009

Blastoise Mega Launcher 79 103 120 135 115 78 #054

Psyduck Damp
Cloud Nine
Swift Swim 50 52 48 65 fifty 55 #055

Golduck Clammy
Cloud 9
Swift Swim fourscore 82 78 95 fourscore 85 #060

Poliwag Water Absorb
Swift Swim xl l forty 40 forty xc #061

Poliwhirl Water Absorb
Swift Swim 65 65 65 50 50 90 #062

Poliwrath Water Blot
Swift Swim xc 95 95 seventy 90 70 #072

Tentacool Clear Trunk
Liquid Ooze
Rain Dish 40 40 35 50 100 seventy #073

Tentacruel Articulate Body
Liquid Ooze
Pelting Dish 80 70 65 lxxx 120 100 #079

Slowpoke Oblivious
Ain Tempo
Regenerator 90 65 65 40 twoscore 15 #080

Slowbro Oblivious
Own Tempo
Regenerator 95 75 110 100 80 thirty #080

Slowbro Shell Armor 95 75 180 130 80 thirty #086

Seel Thick Fat
Water ice Body 65 45 55 45 70 45 #087

Dewgong Thick Fatty
Ice Trunk ninety seventy eighty 70 95 lxx #090

Shellder Shell Armor
Skill Link
Overcoat 30 65 100 45 25 40 #091

Cloyster Shell Armor
Skill Link
Overcoat l 95 180 85 45 seventy #098

Krabby Hyper Cutter
Beat Armor
Sheer Strength 30 105 90 25 25 fifty #099

Kingler Hyper Cutter
Shell Armor
Sheer Strength 55 130 115 50 50 75 #116

Horsea Swift Swim
Damp 30 twoscore seventy 70 25 threescore #117

Seadra Poison Indicate
Clammy 55 65 95 95 45 85 #118

Goldeen Swift Swim
H2o Veil
Lightning Rod 45 67 60 35 50 63 #119

Seaking Swift Swim
Water Veil
Lightning Rod 80 92 65 65 80 68 #120

Staryu Illuminate
Natural Cure
Analytic 30 45 55 seventy 55 85 #121

Starmie Illuminate
Natural Cure
Analytic 60 75 85 100 85 115 #129

Magikarp Swift Swim
Rattled 20 10 55 fifteen xx eighty #130

Gyarados Intimidate
Moxie 95 125 79 60 100 81 #130

Gyarados Mold Breaker 95 155 109 70 130 81 #131

Lapras Water Blot
Vanquish Armor
Hydration 130 85 80 85 95 60 #134

Vaporeon Water Absorb
Hydration 130 65 sixty 110 95 65 #138

Omanyte Swift Swim
Crush Armor
Weak Armor 35 forty 100 90 55 35 #139

Omastar Swift Swim
Shell Armor
Weak Armor 70 sixty 125 115 70 55 #140

Kabuto Swift Swim
Boxing Armor
Weak Armor 30 80 xc 55 45 55 #141

Kabutops Swift Swim
Battle Armor
Weak Armor 60 115 105 65 70 80 #158

Totodile Torrent
Sheer Force fifty 65 64 44 48 43 #159

Croconaw Torrent
Sheer Force 65 eighty lxxx 59 63 58 #160

Feraligatr Torrent
Sheer Force 85 105 100 79 83 78 #170

Chinchou Volt Absorb
Water Absorb 75 38 38 56 56 67 #171

Lanturn Volt Absorb
H2o Absorb 125 58 58 76 76 67 #183

Marill Thick Fat
Huge Power
Sap Sipper 70 20 50 20 l 40 #184

Azumarill Thick Fatty
Huge Ability
Sap Sipper 100 50 80 60 80 50 #186

Politoed Water Absorb
Drizzle 90 75 75 ninety 100 lxx #194

Wooper Damp
Water Absorb
Unaware 55 45 45 25 25 fifteen #195

Quagsire Damp
Water Absorb
Unaware 95 85 85 65 65 35 #199

Slowking Oblivious
Own Tempo
Regenerator 95 75 eighty 100 110 xxx #211

Qwilfish Toxicant Betoken
Swift Swim
Intimidate 65 95 85 55 55 85 #222

Corsola Hustle
Natural Cure
Regenerator 65 55 95 65 95 35 #223

Remoraid Hustle
Moody 35 65 35 65 35 65 #224

Octillery Suction Cups
Moody 75 105 75 105 75 45 #226

Mantine Swift Swim
Water Absorb
Water Veil 85 40 lxx fourscore 140 70 #230

Kingdra Swift Swim
Clammy 75 95 95 95 95 85 #245

Suicune Pressure
Inner Focus 100 75 115 90 115 85 #258

Mudkip Torrent
Clammy 50 lxx fifty 50 l 40 #259

Marshtomp Torrent
Damp seventy 85 seventy sixty lxx l #260

Swampert Torrent
Damp 100 110 ninety 85 90 threescore #260

Swampert Swift Swim 100 150 110 95 110 70 #270

Lotad Swift Swim
Pelting Dish
Ain Tempo 40 30 30 40 l 30 #271

Lombre Swift Swim
Rain Dish
Own Tempo threescore l 50 60 70 50 #272

Ludicolo Swift Swim
Rain Dish
Own Tempo eighty lxx 70 90 100 seventy #278

Wingull Keen Heart
Rain Dish 40 30 30 55 30 85 #279

Pelipper Keen Eye
Rain Dish lx 50 100 95 70 65 #283

Surskit Swift Swim
Rain Dish twoscore 30 32 50 52 65 #318

Carvanha Rough Skin
Speed Boost 45 90 xx 65 20 65 #319

Sharpedo Crude Skin
Speed Boost 70 120 40 95 twoscore 95 #319

Sharpedo Potent Jaw 70 140 seventy 110 65 105 #320

Wailmer Water Veil
Pressure 130 70 35 70 35 60 #321

Wailord Water Veil
Force per unit area 170 90 45 xc 45 60 #339

Barboach Oblivious
Hydration 50 48 43 46 41 60 #340

Whiscash Oblivious
Hydration 110 78 73 76 71 60 #341

Corphish Hyper Cutter
Trounce Armor
Adaptability 43 80 65 50 35 35 #342

Crawdaunt Hyper Cutter
Shell Armor
Adaptability 63 120 85 xc 55 55 #349

Feebas Swift Swim
Adaptability 20 15 20 10 55 fourscore #350

Milotic Marvel Scale
Cute Charm 95 60 79 100 125 81 #351

Castform Forecast seventy seventy lxx 70 70 70 #363

Spheal Thick Fat
Ice Torso
Oblivious lxx twoscore fifty 55 50 25 #364

Sealeo Thick Fat
Ice Body
Oblivious xc 60 70 75 70 45 #365

Walrein Thick Fatty
Ice Torso
Oblivious 110 80 90 95 90 65 #366

Clamperl Shell Armor
Rattled 35 64 85 74 55 32 #367

Huntail Swift Swim
Water Veil 55 104 105 94 75 52 #368

Gorebyss Swift Swim
Hydration 55 84 105 114 75 52 #369

Relicanth Swift Swim
Stone Head
Sturdy 100 ninety 130 45 65 55 #370

Luvdisc Swift Swim
Hydration 43 30 55 forty 65 97 #382

Kyogre Drizzle 100 100 90 150 140 xc #382

Kyogre Primordial Sea 100 150 90 180 160 90 #393

Piplup Torrent
Defiant 53 51 53 61 56 twoscore #394

Prinplup Torrent
Defiant 64 66 68 81 76 50 #395

Empoleon Torrent
Defiant 84 86 88 111 101 lx #400

Bibarel Simple
Moody 79 85 sixty 55 60 71 #418

Buizel Swift Swim
H2o Veil 55 65 35 lx 30 85 #419

Floatzel Swift Swim
Water Veil 85 105 55 85 fifty 115 #422

Shellos Glutinous Concur
Storm Drain
Sand Force 76 48 48 57 62 34 #423

Gastrodon Sticky Hold
Storm Drain
Sand Strength 111 83 68 92 82 39 #456

Finneon Swift Swim
Storm Drain
Water Veil 49 49 56 49 61 66 #457

Lumineon Swift Swim
Storm Drain
Water Veil 69 69 76 69 86 91 #458

Mantyke Swift Swim
H2o Absorb
Water Veil 45 20 fifty 60 120 50 #479

Rotom Levitate 50 65 107 105 107 86 #484

Palkia Pressure
Telepathy xc 120 100 150 120 100 #489

Phione Hydration eighty 80 lxxx 80 fourscore lxxx #490

Manaphy Hydration 100 100 100 100 100 100 #493

Arceus Multitype 120 120 120 120 120 120 #501

Oshawott Torrent
Shell Armor 55 55 45 63 45 45 #502

Dewott Torrent
Shell Armor 75 75 60 83 60 60 #503

Samurott Torrent
Shell Armor 95 100 85 108 70 seventy #515

Panpour Gluttony
Torrent 50 53 48 53 48 64 #516

Simipour Gluttony
Torrent 75 98 63 98 63 101 #535

Tympole Swift Swim
Water Absorb 50 l 40 fifty forty 64 #536

Palpitoad Swift Swim
Water Blot 75 65 55 65 55 69 #537

Seismitoad Swift Swim
Poison Touch
Water Absorb 105 95 75 85 75 74 #550

Basculin Reckless
Mold Breaker seventy 92 65 80 55 98 #550

Basculin Stone Head
Mold Billow 70 92 65 eighty 55 98 #564

Tirtouga Solid Stone
Swift Swim 54 78 103 53 45 22 #565

Carracosta Solid Rock
Swift Swim 74 108 133 83 65 32 #580

Ducklett Keen Eye
Big Pecks
Hydration 62 44 50 44 50 55 #581

Swanna Corking Eye
Big Pecks
Hydration 75 87 63 87 63 98 #592

Frillish Water Absorb
Cursed Body
Damp 55 40 l 65 85 40 #593

Jellicent Water Absorb
Cursed Body
Clammy 100 sixty 70 85 105 60 #594

Alomomola Healer
Regenerator 165 75 80 40 45 65 #647

Keldeo Justified 91 72 90 129 90 108 #647

Keldeo Justified 91 72 90 129 90 108 #656

Froakie Torrent
Protean 41 56 40 62 44 71 #657

Frogadier Torrent
Protean 54 63 52 83 56 97 #658

Greninja Torrent
Protean 72 95 67 103 71 122 #658

Greninja Battle Bond 72 145 67 153 71 132 #688

Binacle Tough Claws
Pickpocket 42 52 67 39 56 50 #689

Barbaracle Tough Claws
Pickpocket 72 105 115 54 86 68 #690

Skrelp Poisonous substance Point
Poison Touch
Adaptability 50 60 threescore lx sixty xxx #692

Clauncher Mega Launcher 50 53 62 58 63 44 #693

Clawitzer Mega Launcher 71 73 88 120 89 59 #721

Volcanion Water Absorb lxxx 110 120 130 90 70 #728

Popplio Torrent
Liquid Voice 50 54 54 66 56 40 #729

Brionne Torrent
Liquid Vocalisation 60 69 69 91 81 50 #730

Primarina Torrent
Liquid Voice eighty 74 74 126 116 60 #746

Wishiwashi Schooling 45 20 20 25 25 40 #746

Wishiwashi Schooling 45 140 130 140 135 30 #747

Mareanie Merciless
Regenerator fifty 53 62 43 52 45 #748

Toxapex Merciless
Regenerator 50 63 152 53 142 35 #751

Dewpider Water Bubble
H2o Blot 38 40 52 forty 72 27 #752

Araquanid Water Bubble
Water Absorb 68 70 92 50 132 42 #767

Wimpod Wimp Out 25 35 40 twenty 30 lxxx #768

Golisopod Emergency Exit 75 125 140 60 90 40 #771

Pyukumuku Innards Out
Unaware 55 60 130 30 130 5 #773

Silvally RKS Organization 95 95 95 95 95 95 #779

Bruxish Dazzling
Strong Jaw
Wonder Peel 68 105 70 70 70 92 #788

Tapu Fini Misty Surge
Telepathy lxx 75 115 95 130 85

Good Water Type Pokemon Sun,


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